Eligibility: anyone 16 years of age and above.
This course is really amazing and help us to discover ourselves !!! Reconnect with the true nature of yours! Reshape your life with the help of higher knowledge and bring back harmony and peace to your life and much more….
Have you ever wonder:
– Who am I ?
– Why I landed up on certain career ?
– Is this career my life goal ?
– Why I have some specific challenge in life ?
– Why I have certain really blessed and certain difficult relationships?
– What is my destiny?
– Why some children are super talented by birth & some find it very difficult to perform some simple task?
On Spiritual side
– Why I get certain strange experiences during my meditation or Yogic kriyas?
– What is soul and where is it?
– What is Kundalini energy and what is its significance in practical life?
All these questions were kept secret for centuries, are answered in this Workshop.
A Must for everyone who want to understand deeper meaning and purpose of his/her life and for every Spiritual Seeker !!! this course has been proved as life changing tool for many.
Glimpse of the contents of the course:
- Learn the Inner Secrets of: the Blue Pearl, the 12th Chakra, the Medical Caduceus to raise the Kundalini Shakti.
- Learn to experience peace, calmness and clarity in the midst of a busy and chaotic work/home environment.
- Learn how to release old emotional baggage and create positive changes in all your relationships.
- Use words of power (mantras) to quickly achieve inner stillness.
- Experience “coming home and being one with all”.
- Experience the unique state of total peace and expansion of consciousness and awareness within minutes of meditation.
- Discover the nature of your Soul and its journey through timeless incarnations.
- Learn how your Soul chooses your parents and place of birth
- Experience the “inner light” and intense bliss of the “Blue Pearl” or the “Seed of Consciousness” within you.
- Learn the existence of energetic seeds in your auric field and how they affect your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical lives. These “energetic DNA recorders” contain the “blueprints” for the formation of your subtle and physical bodies.
- Increase the size of the “communication cable” between your Higher Soul and incarnated soul.
To know further or for the registration please contact us